Opportunity Zones

Brownwood, Texas is designated as an Opportunity Zone by the State of Texas, making it an attractive community for investors, allowing investments in long-term projects in exchange for reduced or eliminated capital-gains tax burdens. 

Benefits from investing in an Opportunity Zone are tied to investment longevity.

Investment Length

Benefits Recieved

Fewer than 5 years

Deferred payment of existing capital gains until the date that the Opportunity Fund is sold or exchanged

5-7 Years

Benefits above +10% of tax on existing capital gain is cancelled

7-10 Years

Deferred payment of existing capital gains until December 31, 2026 or the date that the Opportunity Fund is sold or exchanged (whichever comes first). +15% of tax on existing capital gain is cancelled

Greater than 10 Years

Benefits on 7-10 years investment + investors pay no capital gains tax on the Opportunity Fund investment (investments are exempt from any capital gains beyond those which are previously deferred).

In addition to its Opportunity Zone designation, BMDD offers additional incentives for investing in the downtown area. Incentives include the Building Improvement Incentive Program, which provides up to $20,000 in funds for the improvement of the appearance of Brownwood commercial buildings, tax abatements, low-interest loans, capital improvements for water, sewer, streets, and other infrastructure, and workforce training, all with streamlined permitting.